For english speaking users
Dear INTERNATIONAL students of SWPS University
Do you have any worries about finding a job in Poland? Do you think that it is impossible to build your career without the knowledge of the Polish language? If so, we would like to invite you to our workshop which will calm you and destroy your doubts about the future!About SWPS Office of career services Students Employer Special Offer for International Students PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES – BUT WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP? WHERE AND HOW TO FIND A JOB AFTER GRADUATING FROM PSYCHOLOGY? Alumni's Story: Workplace and Wellbeing Lead Podsumowanie warsztatu: Alumni's story workplace and well being lead Korn Ferry Day: Start your journey with recruitment today Teleperformance: Positive Language in business comunication What to write? What to add? What to say? Informacja w związku z odwołaniem zajęć na Uczelni / Information in connection with the cancellation of classes at the University EU Careers Student Ambassadors Praca Biura Karier w okresie #zostanwdomu Alumni Unbottle Your Potential - Brand Opener - Coca-Cola HBC Poland and Baltics The European Defence Agency Traineeship Programme Online Workshop for International Students: What I should wear this time? Oussama Bouzid Kagan Sezgin Development project 16.06.2020 Your image is where other people come to see you. While loss the job, invest in personal branding Cover letter – Recruiter's guide 20.08.2020 ON Campus @Philips Join Shapers of the Future! Winter semester 2020/21 - we are available online 5.10.2020 Careers in HealthTech - Webinar with Philips THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! Tajemnica Pieczęci - Zaproszenie / The Mystery of the Seal - an invitation Skandynawski Tydzień Kariery/ Scandinavian Career Week Piramidion czeka na odkrycie / Piramidion is waiting for discovery Change Management in Modern Banking Życzenia oraz praca w okresie świąteczno-noworocznym Divisha Agarwal Vlad Lyak Accenture Training Labs: Time Management Career Readiness Workshops Skandynawski Tydzień Kariery 2021 / Scandinavian Career Week 2021 Przerwa świąteczna od 23.12.2021 do 07.01.2022 Summer jobs and internships in Greece Discover Bloomberg - News Paid Internship Career Readiness Workshops O CO PYTAĆ PRACODAWCĘ? Informacje przydatne na Targach Pracy i Praktyk || ASK EMPLOYER! Information useful during Jobs Fair
About SWPS Office of career services
Our team consists of 15 people:
Get know Us

Olga Kożuchowska
Contact infotel. 22 517 99 62, 721 470 234
- Career counselling.
- Workshops, organising meetings with employers.

- Professional potential assessment, support in setting up career goals.
- Support in planning career development paths, taking into account acquired professional competence.
- Preparation before getting in touch with employers (application papers, job interview).

Karolina Suszek
Contact info
tel. 22 517 99 62
- Job placement, events with employers, consultations for employers.
- Advertisement of employers among the students, internship programme, non-obligatory internships.
- Job market information, employers' profiles, cooperation with graduates.

- Career counselling workshops and consultations.
- Support in arranging application papers.
- Potential, strengths and job competencies assessment in order to ease career decision-making.
- Job interview preparation, getting to know recruitment methods; above all planning the strategy with the students to get closer to their dreams and dream goals.

- Entrepreneurship counselling.
- Business workshops.
- Professional predisposition tests.
- Devising a business strategy, drawing up a business plan.
- Obtaining grants.
- E-marketing.
- Teaching about sales and customer service.

- Cooperation with employers in terms of internships and apprenticeships.
- Student service.

- Training projects service.
- Carrying out workshops and coachings.

Adrianna Bołądź
Contact infotel. 668 393 388
- Organising free events, workshops, and training sessions in cooperation with the companies.
- Building relations with the employers.
- Promoting and carrying out current projects.
- Executing and supervising projects co-financed by the EU.
- Cooperation with employers in terms of job placements, internships, and apprenticeships.
- Carrying out and monitoring OCS social media channels.

Adriana Andrzejewska
Contact infotel. 693 440 127, 71 750 72 70
- Career counseling.
- Professional guidance.
- Job placement.

Marzena Kaźmierska
Contact infotel. 32 750 60 82, 885 555 934
- Implementing and supervising EU projects.
- Organising training sessions, workshops, and meetings with employers.
- Publishing job and internship offers.
- Promoting Office of Career Services activities.


Patrycja Rajek
Contact info- Organising training sessions and workshops for students and graduates.
- Organising job fairs.
- Projects subsidized by European Union service.
- Maintaining relations with the employers and Rada Pracodawców service.
- Publishing job, internship, and voluntary service offers.
- Moderating Office of Career Services in Sopot group on Facebook.

- Career counselling.
- Workshops, organising meetings with the employers.
Combining both sides' needs altogether with our team's knowledge, experience, and zeal, we are able to organise following various initiatives:
Meetings with a career counsellor – what can you expect?
During a meeting with a career counsellor, you can talk about your ideas and plans for your future, get to know your strengths and find out about employer's expectations. Moreover, you can also learn about possible training and further education as well as prepare yourself for job seeking.Career counsellor will help you to:
- take part in a series of individual meetings with career or entrepreneurship counsellors
- take part in workshops prepared for those who want to open their own company (Business Manager for those who want to learn the basics of entrepreneurship, Business Projects for those who already have an idea for their company)
- take professional predispositions and personality tests
- receive support in the job seeking after graduation
- take part in coaching or mentoring in a new workplace
Our various communication channels provide effective information flow from employers to students and graduates. We invite you to meet us as we are sure that successful cooperation can be built on relations. During an individual conversation with our advisor, we will match the right module of cooperation to the needs and expectations of your organisation. If needed, we will also edit the content of the job advertisement. Depending on the organisation's expectation, we will handle the service of events such as a seminar or workshop. Our advisor will guide you through the whole process of organising events for students, starting with a discussion about the meeting's subject, through the preparation of the event and ending with its evaluation. Basing on detailed professional competence profiles, we will match candidates to your job, apprenticeship or internship offer. By organising projects of internships and training sessions inside of the university, experts from your company are welcomed to share their knowledge gained through the years of their work experience. A wide range of our activities gives us an opportunity to monitor job market mechanisms and share information about them. Without a doubt we can do much more - you're welcome to contact us :)PUBLISHING ADVERTISEMENTS ON KARIERA WEBSITE
Within our website, employers are able to create a profile on their own, publish advertisements and recruit our students. In order to have full access to all the features of the website, it is essential to register through the following link: WITH STUDENTS AND GRADUATES
Experts in their field, years of work experience and readiness to share their knowledge - does this describe your company? If so, you're welcome to contact us! By the consultation process, we will be able to organise a seminar or workshops for our students or/and graduates on a given subject. You're also welcome to participate in the job fairs or conferences/discussion panels organised in cooperation with University's Faculties.EVENTS IN ORGANISATION'S OFFICE
Are you planning to organise an open day or a workshop? Or perhaps you are planning to invite students and graduates to work on project team members' everyday tasks? We can handle the recruitment process for these events.EVENTS IN ORGANISATION'S OFFICE
Are you planning to organise an open day or a workshop? Or perhaps you are planning to invite students and graduates to work on project team members' everyday tasks? We can handle the recruitment process for these events.INITIATIVES WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY SPACE
Are you wondering how to encourage students in an unusual way to be active and get to know your organisation? We will support you in organising an outdoor game or arrange a stand during some events. Our goal is to develop an interest in students about the employer's brand!ORGANISING APPRENTICESHIPS FOR PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS
Every organisation interested in joining the system of apprenticeships for students of Faculty of Psychology can enter institutional apprenticeships programme. For more information, please visit the website In case you want to offer apprenticeships for other programs, please contact us at [email protected].BUILDING A POSITIVE, FIRST EXPERIENCE ON THE JOB MARKET
Encouraging atmosphere, cooperation, and readiness to accustom future employees - all this under a watchful eye of a student or/and graduate's mentor? You're welcome to take part in the internship program and join a talent development programme. We can arrange a preliminary candidate selection by looking for students with a certain set of professional competence. During an individual meeting with a student, we will present your company's profile, and as a result of permanent cooperation, we will recommend your company as a workplace for carrying out an apprenticeship.CONSULTATION
Every organisation is unique. Let's think together how to effectively promote your organisation among the students and graduates. How does a successful job advertisement look like? We read plenty of them every day! We will be glad to share our knowledge with you as well as to help you match the advertisement content to its audience.COOPERATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY
A university is a large enterprise. We are aware that it might be difficult to find out for which particular faculty is responsible. If you are willing to extend your cooperation with the Office of Career Services to other entities/areas, just ask us about it!ANALYSES
The range of our activities gives us an opportunity to prepare reports and analyses considering the job market, the need for particular professional competences, and deficient and surplus positions. However, it is only a small part of what we are able to do. In fact, we are able to, and we can do much more. We enjoy challenges and gladly prove ourselves. You're welcome to contact us!LET'S TALK ABOUT COOPERATION
tel: 22 517 99 62, tel: 663 440 115e-mail: [email protected]
tel: 693 440 127e-mail: [email protected]
Special Offer for International Students
If so, we would like to invite you to our workshops which will calm you and destroy your doubts about the future
For how long? Just 2 hours during which we will cover the most popular job-related problems and of course we will answer your questions.
When? We will announce next meeting soon .
What exactly are we going to talk about?
1. What does the Office of Career Services of SWPS University do? How can we help you?
2. How much does it cost? (Psss....Services are for free!)
3. How can you find your way in Poland? A lot of things that may surprise you.
4. Polish labor market
5. How to find English speaking job?
6. Working Scientific Clubs
7. What are the problems which can be met on your way? How can we help you to solve them? 8. And much, much more…!
If we got your attention, please follow this link and sign for our meeting!
Believe us; it would be informative, helpful and fun! See you soon!
If you do not have any experience in finding a job, internships or volunteer offers, it may be difficult to find your way without any experience – remember that many students graduate from psychology every year. If you want to convince your potential employer to chose exactly you, an internship in a given field will give you advantage over other candidates. Where can you find some offers?
- If you are interested in working in the area of helping people – check out websites such as (internships or volunteering) or
- If you are interested in business psychology, visit job fairs such as Career Day, AIESEC, JOBICON. This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives of large companies and to find out how does the career path looks like and what they expect for candidates.
- In the spring of each year (March – May), large organizations announce recruitment for internship programs lasting several months. Information about them can be found on the websites of these companies and on the Career program page.
- You can also contact the company or organization in which you want to gain experience and ask about the possibility of an internship,
- You can also look for volunteer offers by yourself on the Volunteer Center website.
- You can contact the Office of Career Services of the SWPS University and get additional help finding for the best opportunity to acquire competences.
- Additionally to searching on Internet pages from the previous paragraph (,, you can use social media. There are many groups on Facebook: Work for psychologists!; Work for a psychologist, psychotherapist, students…; Work in HR - job offers, career ; Work in Social Media.
- The Office of Career Services of the SWPS University runs the service where you can fill information about yourself:
- We also run a Facebook group where we publish job and internship offers: SWPS University Office of Career Services on Facebook
- Also, it is great and easy opportunity to create your account on LinkedIn to help you find your dream job or search the available job offers for Psychologists.
- Specializations that are currently the most interested for business are specializations related to new technologies. Such field become more popular every day and uses to be an important field in each huge organization today. The knowledge of them gives you the opportunity to work as an information architect, advertising graphic designer, online games or website designer, marketing strategist or User Experience specialist.
- For any professional way that you chose it would be helpful to have knowledge of at least one foreign language at the level of min. B2. For many companies, this is even more important than the skills and theoretical knowledge after graduating.
- Psychological studies are rarely the last stage of education. Especially in the area of clinical psychology, one has to take into account the need to undertake further studies or trainings (School of psychotherapy, clinical specialization, postgraduate studies). That is good idea to participate in some additional courses and educational programs in order to improve your knowledge in one sphere and to have more knowledge in a given approach.
- If you do not know what the job opportunities are after a particular specialization or in the industry that interests you. Do you need support in determining your skills and strengths? Do you need help creating your CV? You can make an appointment with a career advisor at the Office of Career Services of the SWPS University. Write to the following address: [email protected]
Alumni's Story: Workplace and Wellbeing Lead
/For English please read below/
Serdecznie zapraszamy na spotkanie z Panią Margaritą Kurylko, absolwentką Filologii angielskiej, które odbędzie się w najbliższy czwartek 13. lutego 2020 roku o godz. 16.30 - 18.00, sala S102
Podczas wydarzenia uczestnicy będą mieli okazję:
- trenować umiejętności przydatne w pracy specjalisty zajmującego się atmosferą oraz dobrostanem pracowników międzynarodowej organizacji
- poznać wskazówki dotyczące rozwoju zawodowego w obszarze Workplace & Wellbeing
Zapraszamy zarówno studentów, jak i absolwentów oraz wszystkie osoby zainteresowane
Zapraszamy Zespół Biura Karier
What you can expect during the meeting?
The event is prepared to gather students and alumni to inspire, share the knowledge and present potential career paths.
If you decide to spend this afternoon with us you will have an occasion to get to know:
1. The beginnings and ‘My Story’
2. Practical task
3. Essential skills & opportunities to develop
We have an honour to introduce you one of Alumni of SWPS University:
Margarita Kurylko - Workplace and Wellbeing Lead Experienced Internal Employee Trainer with Training and Development background. M.A. graduate of English Philology in Business Communication in University SWPS.
LinkedIn profile:
Let’s meet: on the 13th of February 2020 at 4.30 - 6.00, room S102
Please remember to reserve your seat - the number of places is limited.
The event is organized by The Office of Career Services of SWPS University
Podsumowanie warsztatu: Alumni's story workplace and well being lead
#absolwenci #biurokarieruniwersytetuswps #absolwenciuniwersytetuswps
Serdecznie dziękuję za obecność i aktywny udział w warsztacie dotyczącym planowania i organizowania wydarzeń wspierających wellbeing pracowników w miejscu pracy.
Drodzy studenci, gratulujemy Wam pomysłów oraz mamy nadzieje, że to spotkanie stanie się być może początkiem ciekawej drogi zawodowej dla części z Was.
Pani Margaricie Kurylko serdecznie dziękujemy za chęć podzielenia się swoim doświadczeniem z naszymi Studentami.
To prawdziwa przyjemność móc z Panią współpracować i podziwiać Pani profesjonalizm.
Bardzo ciekawe i angażujące spotkanie! Mamy nadzieje na kolejne działania już niebawem ✨
Dear Students, thank you for attendance, engagement and sharing your ideas during the workshop ✨
Ms. Margarita, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience!
That was a really good time!
Korn Ferry Day: Start your journey with recruitment today
Dear Students,
During the event you can learn about:
1. How to crack an interview and recruitment process
2. Developing skills about business communication which would be helpful in your career aspects
The program of the KornFerry Day:
9:30 – 12:00: New age of recruitment
12:00 – 1:00: Break
1:00 – 3:30: Professional communication and Business Standards
3:30 – 4:30: Q&A or Meet up sessions
Let's meet: on the 4th of March 2020, room S102
Please remember to reserve your seat!
See you there!
Office of the Career Services
Teleperformance: Positive Language in business comunication
W trakcie tego dnia będziecie mieć możliwość poznać:
1. znaczenie stosowanego pozytywnego języka w trakcie negocjacji, w budowaniu marki osobistej oraz w codziennej komunikacji biznesowej
2. poznać aktualne oferty pracy w firmie Teleperformance
Wydarzenie odbędzie się 10. marca w godzinach 9.30 - 16.00
Program dnia z marką:
Warsztat: 'Positive Language in business communication', warsztat w języku angielskim
9.30 - 11.00 sala S102
Liczba miejc: 30
Wymagana jest wcześniejsza rejestracja i potwierdzenie:
Porozmawiaj z rekruterem i poznaj aktualne oferty pracy w firmie Teleperformance, stoisko promocyjne
11.00 - 16.00 Hol główny
Przygotuj swoje CV i przyjdź porozmawiać z rekruterem!
Więcej o marce możecie dowiedzieć się ze strony:
Do zobaczenia!
Zespół Biura Karier Uniwersytetu SWPS
Dear Students,
hope you will join us during the open day with Teleperformance
During the event, you will have an occasion to get to know:
1. the meaning of positive language in negotiations, personal branding and in a daily business communication
2. open positions in Teleperformance
The event will take place on the 10th of March 2020 at 9.30-4.00
The program of Open Day:
Workshop: Teleperformance: 'Positive Language in business communication', the workshop will be held in English
9.30-11.00 Room S102
Number of seats: 30
Please reserve your seat before the event and wait for a confirmation:
Meet recruiters and open positions in Teleperformance, promotional stand in the main hall
11.00-4.00 p.m. main hall
Please prepare your CV and take an advantage to talk with the recruiter!
More about Teleperformance:
See you there!
Office of the Career Services
What to write? What to add? What to say?
It was only the first step to finding your career. There are a lot of interesting things ahead! That is why we are pleased to invite you to our second seminar, which will take place on 11th March, 15.00, room S102
We will discuss:
instructions, tips and useful suggestions on how to create your CV,
what to write in a cover letter and how to show yourself during an interview.
If you have not yet joined us, you have a unique opportunity to become a member of our company of "builders" where you will learn how to build your future.
During the workshop, we will create a real groundwork for your career in Poland.
What exactly are we going to talk about?
- We will shortly remind you about what does Office of Career Services of SWPS University do? How can we help you?
- Structure of CV 3. How to find information about yourself which needs to be included in your CV?
- What information is the most important and what employers are looking for?
- What is cover letter? When is it necessary to be included and how to write it properly?
- You have been invited to an interview. What to say, how to look and how to show yourself (brief introduction)?
- And much, much more….
When? March 11th, 15.00 (3 pm), room S102
If we got your attention, please follow this link: and sign for our meeting
Believe us; it would be informative, helpful and fun!
See you soon!
Informacja w związku z odwołaniem zajęć na Uczelni / Information in connection with the cancellation of classes at the University
Jesteśmy do Waszej dyspozycji za pomocą komunikatorów Skype i Hangout. Osoby, które przed 22 marca umówiły się na spotkanie z osobami z Biura Karier otrzymają indywidualne zaproszenia na spotkania online. Oczywiście jesteśmy również gotowi przenosić terminy spotkań na czas po zakończeniu okresu ochronnego.
Zgodnie z postanowieniem Rektora Uniwersytetu SWPS wszystkie wydarzenia organizowane przez Biuro Karier, w tym warsztaty, oraz spotkania z pracodawcami planowane przed 22 marca przenosimy na inne terminy.
Dziękujemy za Wasze zrozumienie i cieszymy się, że możemy Was wspierać w rozwoju Waszych ścieżek kariery.
Zespół Biura Karier Uniwersytetu SWPS
Dear students
For the sake of your safety and health, as well as to meet the needs of your professional development, the Career Office of the SWPS University informs that by March 23, or the day when you start classes again at the University, we change the form of contact, and individual consultations as part of Career offices will be held primarily in the on-line form.
We are at your disposal via Skype and Hangout. People who before March 22 have arranged to meet people from the Career Office will receive individual invitations to online meetings. Of course, we are also ready to postpone the dates of meetings after the end of the protection period.
In accordance with the decision of the Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, all events organized by the Career Office, including workshops, and meetings with employers planned before March 22 are moved to other dates.
Thank you for your understanding and we are glad that we can support you in the development of your career paths.
Career Office Team SWPS University
EU Careers Student Ambassadors
As part of the experience, you will be able to:
- Find out more about EU Career opportunities and promote them to your fellow students
- Build a fantastic student network across Europe
- Gain work experience during your studies that will give your CV extra weight
- Develop your skills in public speaking, marketing and HR
- Receive a full induction training and coaching throughout the role
- Access to high-ranking EU officials A reference letter based on your performance
We are looking for motivated, outgoing people with enthusiasm to promote EU Careers in your university. As a highly regarded employer of top graduates, EU Careers is looking for brand ambassadors at some of Europe's finest universities.
The EU Careers Ambassadors scheme involves finding innovative ways of promoting the great opportunities the EU institutions have to offer, including through:
- attending careers fairs, or giving presentations to your fellow students
- developing university networks and providing information
- maintaining an active online and social media presence
- answering questions about EU Careers
Do you want to hear about the EU Careers Ambassadors’ first hand experience?
Who we are looking for? We are looking for motivated Ambassadors who want to promote the benefits of an EU Career and have the following competences:
- Excellent communication skills
- Networking skills
- Willingness to share and learn
- Ability to adapt
- Good organisational skills
- Ability to deliver quality and results I
- nnovative and creative approach Resilience
Minimum Requirements:
- Commit at least two hours per week to your Ambassador role
- Arrange or participate in a minimum of one EU Careers event or presentation
- Communicate on a regular basis with your EU Careers coordinator
- Participate in all training offered (online)
- Keep a log of your activities and report back regularly
How to apply If you are:
- An EU citizen
- Fluent in English and in one of the languages of the country in which you are studying
- Available to take part in our compulsory one day training course in October 2020
- Enrolled and present at the university for the duration of the Ambassador's post (October 2020 - September 2021)
You can make an online application between 20 February to 20 March 2020.
Please fill in the following form to submit your application. If you successfully pass the first round, you will be asked to complete an online interview in April 2020. More information on this second phase will be sent to selected applicants via e-mail.
Please note that the list of participating universities has been established in collaboration with national governments. Currently we are unable to support Ambassadors at other universities and generally we do not change this list.
Contact If you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]
Praca Biura Karier w okresie #zostanwdomu
For English version please read below
Szanowni Studenci, Szanowne Studentki,
pomimo konieczności ograniczania bezpośrednich spotkań pragniemy poinformować, że Biuro Karier Uniwersytetu SWPS działa w trybie online.
Oznacza to, że wszystkie planowane konsultacje odbywają się w usłudze Hangouts, do której wszyscy studenci i studentki Uniwersytetu mają dostęp poprzez pocztę Gmail.
Dla tych z Państwa, którzy z jakiś powodów nie będą mogli połączyć się w tej usłudze - zachęcamy do mailowego lub telefonicznego kontaktu z zespołem Biura Karier.
Zachęcamy do tego, aby w tym szczególnym czasie pozostać aktywnym również w obszarze poszukiwania pracy, praktyk lub stażu.
Firmy i Organizacje zapewniają nas o tym, że mimo przeniesienia procesów rekrutacyjnych do wirtualnych pokoi spotkań (w tym również rozmów rekrutacyjnych) - nadal oczekują na Wasze aplikacje. W części firm oficjalne rozpoczęcie pracy może być przesunięte w czasie.
Z poważaniem
Zespół Biura Karier
Dear Students,
despite the need to limit direct meetings, we would like to inform you that the Career Office of the SWPS University is operating online.
This means that all planned consultations take place in the Hangouts service, to which all University students have access via Gmail.
For those of you who for some reason will not be able to connect to this service - we encourage you to contact the Career Office team by email or phone.
We encourage you to remain active at this time, also in the area of looking for a job, apprenticeship or internship.
Companies and Organizations assure us that despite the transfer of recruitment processes to virtual meeting rooms (including recruitment interviews) - they are still waiting for your applications. In some companies, the official start of work may be postponed.
Kind regards,
Office of Career Services
The SWPS University Office of Career Services team is here to accompany you during your further professional development. We are ready to support you in finding a satisfying job, as well as changing it to another one if you make such a decision.
We want us to stay in touch. Social media will be helpful in this: Facebook groups, a website with job offers and SWPS University website for alumni. Thanks to this, regardless of where you are and what work you will do, you can still have access to current knowledge, which our specialists share during open lectures, webinars, conferences.
The network of cooperation with graduates is an opportunity to stay in touch with classmates as well as to make new friends and share an experience.
Take advantage of professional services in your Career Office:
- career advice
- thematic workshops and meetings with practitioners
- consultation of application documents
- access to selected job offers
- consult your LinkedIn profile
- entrepreneurship workshops
- business project consultancy
- networking
dear alumni if:
- You run a company that allows you to apply the knowledge you have gained in college
- You want to share knowledge and skills with current students
- You want to become a mentor for students
- You are looking for candidates for apprenticeships or internships
- You want to actively participate in the life of the University
We will also send you surveys for the Careers tracking of SWPS University Graduates - we encourage you to share information with us. In the future, this will enable us to create solutions for students, thanks to which they will be able to achieve greater satisfaction in their professional lives.
Unbottle Your Potential - Brand Opener - Coca-Cola HBC Poland and Baltics
Here, at Coca-Cola HBC, we’ve already introduced some solutions that help us save water. Now we want to encourage consumers to create habits to do it as well and sustainably use water in everyday life. We want to launch the campaign with which we will inspire consumers to bring and cultivate water-saving solutions. That’s why we need your help! Think about the name of such a campaign and share it with us – the best three ideas win!
Main contest:
Choose a case from one of the three areas (marketing, sales, production) and solve it to show us your creativity! The authors of the best projects (one from each contest area) will win up to €1200* for the self-development purposes. Postgraduate studies? Specialist courses? If you win, the decision is all yours. We want to support your development.
The contest is dedicated to university students from the second to the fifth year from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. *Prize for polish students – up to PLN 5000 (equivalent to €1200).
Step one:
Check the three contest areas. Find the one that suits your interests best – you will be asked to choose it during the registration process after which you will get to know your main task and its details.
Step two:
Sign up to see your task! The faster you do it, the more tips you get! If you register within the first two weeks (16.04 - 30.04), you will get additional tips from our expert. Remember to activate your account too.
Step three:
After the registration, you will get the task and materials for the chosen area – an introduction video and a video (or two) with tips for your task. The attachments will be sent via e-mail – make sure to check them out!
Step four:
Develop the best – in your opinion – solution to the chosen task, prepare a presentation about it and upload it in your user panel.
Step five:
Wait for the results. The authors of the best projects may await additional awards – we will keep you updated about them! We encourage you also to take part in the mini-challenges on our Facebook fanpage!
The European Defence Agency Traineeship Programme
An EDA traineeship will give you:
- a unique insight into the policies and processes for the development of European defence capabilities
- an opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired during your studies
- exposure to a multicultural and dynamic professional environment
What we look for
To be considered eligible, applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements by the deadline for submission of applications:
- Nationality: be a national of a Member States participating in the Agency;
- Educational qualifications:have completed at least the first (minimum three-year) cycle of a higher education course (university education) and obtained a full degree or its equivalent by the closing date for applications;
- Languages: applicants must have a very good knowledge of at least two participating Member States languages of which one must be English as it is EDA’s main working language. The knowledge of additional participating Member States languages is an asset;
- Background related to the EDA’s operational activities: educational background in a field relevant to the activities of the Directorate/Unit the trainee applies for and is allocated to;
- Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (PSCC). For more info, see FAQs Traineeships are open to applicants who have not previously undertaken a paid or unpaid traineeship or any kind of employment in another European institution or a body and which lasted for more than six weeks.
More information at the website: EDA Traineeship
Online Workshop for International Students: What I should wear this time?
It was only the first step to finding your career!
There are a lot of interesting things ahead. That is why we are pleased to invite you to our third seminar, which will take place on 26th May, 16.00, ONLINE
What exactly are we going to talk about?
- We will shortly remind you about what does Office of Career Services of SWPS University does? How can we help you?
- You have been invited to an interview. What to say, how to look and how to show yourself (brief introduction)?
- And much, much more….
If you have not yet joined us, you have a unique opportunity to become a member of our company of "builders" where you will learn how to build your future!
During the workshop, we will create a real groundwork for your career in Poland.
When? May 26th, 16.00 (4 pm), ONLINE
Believe us; it would be informative, helpful, and fun!
See you soon!
Office of Career Services
Oussama Bouzid
How do you remember your studies at SWPS University?
It had its ups and downs, but I enjoyed being a student there. It helped me broaden my horizons, and many of my professors had a profound impact on my world view.
What was your career path so far? / Please, describe your career path so far?
I started off as a corporate language and communication trainer (Specialize in providing industry-specific English training ( Business English, IT English…etc ) and designing tailored study programs ) then landed a job as a data analyst at Accenture ( I started as a junior then got promoted to quality assurance analyst assessing and coaching other analysts. It was a due diligence and compliance positions). And then, I have moved to JP Morgan where I am working now as A data management analyst ( conducting investigative inquiries to keep the data accurate and up-to-date. And since I like running workshops and courses, I am now working as a tutor at Vistula university teaching English for international tourism while delivering some in-company classes.
Is the job that you are currently doing relating to your field of study?
Yes, corporate communication trainer and university tutor are related to my BA
If you had the opportunity to advise something useful students interested in a similar career path, what would it be?
I think becoming a good trainer or tutor requires robust knowledge of the subject matter and an aptitude to lead others to learn
Kagan Sezgin
How do you remember your studies at SWPS University?
Back in 2015-2016, I was studying in Istanbul/Turkey as a "translation and interpreting" student. I wasn't happy with the education I was having when I was studying there. In the middle of 2016, I started to make a research on where else can I study and I found our university. As a former interpreting student, I thought "English Studies" would be the best fit for me.
What was your career path so far? / Please, describe your career path so far?
As a person who was much more interested in business instead of linguistics after starting to have my specialization courses, I was searching for a job in sales and marketing areas when I was about to graduate. I was very fortunate to find a job related to both fields. Currently, I am working in G Partner on behalf of Google as ads account strategist. I am also representative of our sales team for the Turkish market.
Is the job that you are currently doing relating to your field of study?
I can say my job is much more related to the specialization courses I had instead of my major, which is also representing another advantage of studying at our university.
If you had the opportunity to advise something useful students interested in a similar career path, what would it be?
Always take notes. Take them diligently. You will appreciate them at the times when you are looking for something which you already learned.
Development project
During these individual consultations with a career counsellor, you would have an opportunity to:
- discuss your personal characteristics, previous experience and plans. Moreover, It will also be a time to:
- prepare application documents and
- your individual action plan
Meetings will take place every week or every two weeks (in total there will be from 2 to 4 consultations)
You will be also invited to:
- The group workshop which gives you an occasion to check which future work skills you have
- Development Centre session - It is a kind of methodology used in recruitment processes or in development programs so during the project you will have an opportunity to face it in safe conditions.
Please, take into consideration:
- Students of the 4 last semesters of studies have the priority of joining in the project
- If you decide to take part in a development project you need to be aware that you cannot resign from it until you finish the whole process (only Development Centre session is not obligatory).
- Usually, that kind of process lasts approximately 2 months. Furthermore, you need to be prepared to meet a lot of formalities (specific forms, agreements etc.)
It is a really fruitful and complex form of support. So don’t hesitate, fill the form and wait for the contact!
16.06.2020 Your image is where other people come to see you. While loss the job, invest in personal branding
“Anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are now, and it’s because they sat there that they were able to do it”
A question to ask yourself is – should we consider the loss of a job as a sign of failure or a disaster? What can be done in this situation? Losing a job in this sense should be considered as the end of one chapter and the start of a new one and a chance for new challenges and experiences. Whilst searching for a job it’s worth focusing on the effectiveness in taking actions.
Your profile is where other people come to see you.
What you should and shouldn’t do in an online world. How to build your own personal branding on the internet? What eBrand is all about and whether building your professional profile online should be a must?
It’s worth taking care of your positive branding on social media and trying to keep the right level of privacy.
The event is organized in cooperation with Mr Rafał Jatczak, HR Expert, the author of the blog ‘Sposoby na Zasoby’.
When: 18.06.2020 4.00-6.00 p.m.
Where: Google Meet
If you would like to get to know more - please fill the form
The event will be held in English.
Kind regards,
The Office of Career Services at SWPS University
Cover letter – Recruiter's guide
The cover letter is the optional second application document, after the CV, to which the recruiters pay attention during the process of searching for the ideal candidate for a given position. Unfortunately, such letters are not often interesting and meet expectations. According to recruiters' opinions, only a few percents of letters are written in a convincing way and are worth reading.
Let's take a look at the main elements of this document:
- The cover letter can by in two forms:
1) when you write it as a response to a specific job offer,
2) when you want to inform the company that you are interested in working for it and you do not know if they are currently looking for employees.
- Remember that this document should present yourself in terms of experience, skills, and achievements which can be useful in a given position or for a company in general. You can write about what the studies have brought to your professional development, how your previous have organized something or participated in any activities, etc.
- Make sure that the information you provide is relevant to both the company and the job offer. This will make it easier for the recruiter to decide whether you are the person he or she is looking for. It is worth focusing on a few of your strongest points and bringing them to the fore.
- Do not copy your CV. If you write about your skills or qualities, base them on life examples.
- Do not copy ready-made formats from the Internet - get original, but remember that a cover letter is a formal document.
How to write a letter which will include all important elements, but not make it too long?
- First of all, as in the official letter, the address of the sender should be written in the top left-hand corner and the recipient on the right-hand side under the town and date.
- Start with a formal welcome. It is appropriate to use the form Dear Sir or Madam / Dear + surname. The end of the letter should be equally formal: "Sincerely", "With respect", etc.
- Ensure that the content is clearly arranged. The letter should fit on one A4 format page, use line spacing 1.5, and paragraph spacing. If you want to distinguish something, you can use bold text.
- Before you send the letter, check it several times for spelling, grammatical or stylistic errors. Avoid shortcuts, colloquialisms, and typos.
- If you send a letter by post, remember to sign it.
We would like to suggest you one rule, the name of which is "1+3". The idea of it is to write an answer to 3 questions, each of them may be presented in a separate paragraph, but the layout of the text is not key here. It is important that the content of the whole letter allows the recruiter to understand that you know the answers to the questions:
1) Why do you want to work for this company?
20.08.2020 ON Campus @Philips
Special guest:
Pawel Dzadz Pawel is a Digital Marketing & E-commerce Manager (B2B) at Philips. He’ll be talking about how digital marketing has evolved and how the human element may be just as important as ever in creating effective marketing campaigns.
Join Shapers of the Future!
If you are an active member of an NGO, in a political or academic organization, and you believe achieving public goals through innovation is important, you should apply to this program!
Participants will work together in international groups under the supervision of experts and trainers to increase their knowledge on Design Thinking, social innovation and to improve their skills of team-work and creativity.
What do we guarantee? Great atmosphere, professional team of trainers and practical knowledge that you can apply in your everyday work. You don’t have to worry about accommodation and food - we provide it all for the duration of the workshop.
The program is run in English!
WHEN: 7th - 10th October 2020
WHERE: Krakow, Poland
FOR WHO: students, graduates and young professionals from Central and Eastern Europe.
Don’t wait! Fill out the form and register today!
More information:
Winter semester 2020/21 - we are available online
Dear Students,
We would like to inform you that in the next, winter semester 2020/2021 we are operating online
All planned:
- individual consultations,
- workshops,
- meetings with companies (as well as Scandinavian Career Week) will be held online.
If you would like to arrange a consultation with career counsellor please email us: [email protected]
Kind regards,
The Office of Career Services
5.10.2020 Careers in HealthTech - Webinar with Philips
Save the date: October 5th, 2pm CET
What does it take to work in HealthTech?
Join Philips Campus Recruitment online and ask us anything about careers in HealthTech
Exclusive guest: Reinier Schlatmann Philips CEE CEO.
Reinier Schlatmann has over 20 years experience working across many of the leadership roles in a global HealthTech leader, including strategy, management, sales, finance and marketing. He is now the CEO of Philips, Central and Eastern Europe, and will be joining us online to talk about:
- what it’s like to work in HealthTech,
- give you his tips on how to achieve career success in a challenging economic context,
- answer your questions.
Sign up here!
Will we be able to regain our competences?
Will we ever be able to support and teach again?
We don't know ...
One thing is for sure ...
Everything will be clarified on November 5 ...
Tajemnica Pieczęci - Zaproszenie / The Mystery of the Seal - an invitation
Kiedy dzisiaj patrzę na efekty projektu, który zaczęliśmy prawie rok temu czuję się trochę jak oni. Krok po kroku zmieniliśmy rzeczywistość. Od jakiegoś czasu bombardujemy Cię informacjami na temat Tajemnicy Pieczęci #tajemnicapieczęci. Do tej pory nie mogliśmy powiedzieć nic więcej poza ogólnikami, bo przecież to tajemnica. Dzisiaj jesteśmy gotowi, by ujawnić nasz sekret … A jest nim gra.
Gamifikacja czyli co?
Wiemy, że uczyć i rozwijać swoje kompetencje można w bardzo różnorodny sposób. Jednym z nich jest gamifikacja. Podczas zajęć uczestniczysz w wykładach, seminariach, kursach e-learningowych. My proponujemy Tobie kolejny format, który umożliwi Ci zarówno uczenie się, jak i mamy nadzieję okazję do wytchnienia od codzienności poprzez podróżowanie po kontynentach. Jednak to nie wszystko! Z czasem na platformie będa pojawiały się kolejne niespodzianki tj. zaproszenie na webinar bądź rozmowę z rekruterem.
Dlaczego warto?
Zapraszamy Cię do wzięcia udziału w najbardziej szalonej, nieprzewidywalnej i niesztampowej akcji, jakiej nie podjęła się jeszcze żadna uczelnia wyższa w Polsce. Nasz Uniwersytet jako pierwszy postanowił stworzyć projekt, w którym to właśnie Ty możesz nie tylko uratować świat, ale także zdobyć cenne nagrody - z Wielką Niespodzianką na Koniec włącznie.
Co czeka Cię po drodze?
Mnóstwo przygód. Odwiedzimy razem siedem kontynentów, poznasz niesamowitych ludzi i zdobędziesz wiedzę, niedostępną przeciętnemu śmiertelnikowi. Będziesz ścigać się w rankingach, rywalizować o cenne nagrody, a w wolnych chwilach odpoczywać na rozgrzanych słońcem deskach pokładu Scienti - naszego super luksusowego jachtu.
Zainteresowałem Cię?
Podejmiesz wyzwanie?
Od odkrycia Tajemnicy Pieczęci dzieli Cię jedno kliknięcie …
Wejdź do gry...odkryj
Dołącz do Złotego Panteonu Uniwersytetu SWPS
On one of my trips to Africa, I heard a proverb:
"Many little people in many small places who do many little things can change the face of the world."
People living in accordance with this philosophy are able to change the world around them with small, everyday actions. When I look at the effects of the project that we started almost a year ago today, I feel a bit like them. We changed the reality step by step.
For some time now, we've been bombarding you with information about the Seal Mystery #seal secret. So far, we could not say anything more than generalities, because it is a secret. Today we are ready to reveal our secret ... and that is the game.
Gamification, or what?
We know that you can teach and develop your competencies in many different ways. One of them is gamification. During your classes, you participate in lectures, seminars, and e-learning courses. We offer you another format that will enable you both to learn and we hope to take a break from everyday life by traveling across continents. But that's not all! Over time, new surprises will appear on the platform, such as an invitation to a webinar or an interview with the recruiter.
Why is it worth it?
We invite you to take part in the most crazy, unpredictable and unusual action that has not yet been undertaken by any university in Poland. Our University was the first to decide to create a project in which it is you who can not only save the world, but also win valuable prizes - including the Big Surprise at the End.
What awaits you along the way?
Lots of adventures. Together we will visit seven continents, you will meet amazing people and you will gain knowledge, unavailable to the average mortal. You will race in rankings, compete for valuable prizes, and in your free time you will rest on the sun-warmed boards of Scientia - our super luxurious yacht.
Did I manage to interest you?
Will you take up the challenge? You are one click away from discovering the Mystery of the Seal ...
Enter the game ... discover
Join the Golden Pantheon of SWPS University
Skandynawski Tydzień Kariery/ Scandinavian Career Week
Skandynawski Tydzień Kariery, ze względu na obostrzenia sanitarne, odbędzie się w formie online.
Spotkamy się na wykładach, warsztatach oraz panelach dyskusyjnych. Będziemy chcieli wspólnie odpowiedzieć na pytanie, w jaki sposób znaleźć balans między pracą i życiem domowym w czasach, kiedy dom stał się naszym miejscem pracy.
Wezmą w nim udział międzynarodowe firmy, niezależni konsultanci rynku pracy, tłumacze, psycholodzy/trenerzy, absolwenci i absolwentki naszej Uczelni. Ich obecność będzie dla Ciebie szansą na sprawdzenie, jak możesz wykorzystać swoja wiedzę i umiejętności na rynku pracy zarówno w Polsce, jak i w krajach skandynawskich.
W trakcie wydarzenia możesz:
• wziąć udział w warsztatach
• spotkać się z przedstawicielami firm i ich rekruterami
• uczestniczyć panelach dyskusyjnych
Będzie to okazja do lepszego poznania skandynawskiej kultury pracy, specyfiki pracy tłumacza literatury skandynawskiej oraz nawiązania kontaktów z rekruterami czy doświadczonymi ekspertami.
Skandynawski Tydzień Kariery – podobnie jak w zeszłych latach, począwszy od powstania wydarzenia w 2018 r. – objęty został patronatami Ambasady Królestwa Norwegii, Ambasady Szwecji oraz Skandynawsko-Polskiej Izby Gospodarczej.
Program wydarzenia oraz zapisy:
Formularz - Zgłoszenia przyjmujemy do piątku 20.11.2020
Zapraszamy serdecznie! :)
Dear Students and Graduates of SWPS University,
we cordially invite you to the Scandinavian Career Week at the SWPS University.
This year's event will be held online and last a full week.
During the week, you will meet representatives of international companies, independent labour market consultants, translators, psychologists/coaches, and alumni of our University. Their presence will be an opportunity for you to check how you can use your knowledge and skills in the labour market, both in Poland and in the Scandinavian countries.
During the event you can:
• take part in workshops
• meet company representatives and recruiters
• participate in discussion panels
The Scandinavian Career Week will also be an opportunity to get to know the Scandinavian work culture better, to establish contacts with recruiters and experts, and to learn more about specific career paths involving Scandinavian culture, literature and area expertise.
Since 2018, the Scandinavian Career Week has been organized under the auspices of the Embassy of Norway and the Embassy of Sweden in Poland as well as the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce (SPCC).
The program and the registration:
Google Forms - We are waiting for your application until Friday, November 20, 2020
Scandinavian Career Week official website
Looking forward to seeing you there! :)
Piramidion czeka na odkrycie / Piramidion is waiting for discovery
Pod samym szczytem Wielkiej Piramidy jednocześnie mogło stanąć zaledwie kilka osób. Trudno sobie wyobrazić tych nielicznych wybrańców, których zadaniem było umieszczenie na samym czubku budowli, bogato zdobionego zwieńczenia. Piramidion - bo tak nazywał się ten element był naprawdę przedziwny. Stanowił dokładne odzwierciedlenie samej piramidy - z zachowaniem jej proporcji. Zazwyczaj bogato zdobiony i pokryty złotem lub elektronem był doskonale widoczny nawet z dużej odległości. Czy krył jeszcze jakieś tajemnice?
Only a few people could stand at the very top of the Great Pyramid. It is difficult to imagine the few chosen ones whose task was to place a richly decorated finial at the very top of the building. Pyramidion - because that was the name of this element was really strange. It was an exact representation of the pyramid itself - keeping its proportions. Usually richly decorated and covered with gold or an electron, it was perfectly visible even from a distance. Were there any more secrets?
Przekonaj się, co kryje piramidion Wielkiej Piramidy. Czwarte, ostatnie piętro słynnej budowli właśnie otworzyło się dla wszystkich, którzy grają z nami w Tajemnicę Pieczęci. Jakie zadania czekają ich tym razem? Czego nowego nauczą się pokonując kolejne korytarze? Aby się przekonać, wejdź do gry i uratuj Wielką Piramidę.
Find out what the Great Pyramidion of the Pyramid hides. The fourth, last floor of the famous building has just opened for all who play the Mystery of the Seal with us. What tasks await them this time? What new things will they learn while walking through subsequent corridors? To find out, enter the game and save the Great Pyramid.
Być może jeszcze tego nie wiesz, ale w grze jest sklep z ponad 80 nagrodami. Ukończenie 4 piętra Wielkiej Piramidy da Ci zapas żetonów pozwalających zakupić niektóre z nich. Dodatkowo, pięć osób, które bezbłędnie i najszybciej wykonały misję ratowania Wielkiej Piramidy otrzyma od Biura Karier pierwszą ze Złotych Nagród - Złoty Bilet do Biura Karier. Jak go zdobyć? Trzeba pamiętać, że po oceanie pływa nasz nim są dodatkowe zadania - a więc możliwość zdobycia dodatkowych punktów.
You may not know it yet, but there is an in-game store with over 80 rewards. Completing the 4th floor of the Great Pyramid will give you a supply of tokens to buy some of them. In addition, five people who flawlessly and quickly completed the mission to save the Great Pyramid will receive from the Careers Office the first of the Golden Awards - the Golden Ticket to the Career Office. How to get it? You have to remember that our yacht is sailing on the ocean ... there are additional tasks on it - and therefore the possibility of gaining additional points.
Ruszaj po przygodę. Tajemnica Pieczęci czeka na odkrycie! / Go on an adventure. The mystery of the seal is waiting to be discovered!
Change Management in Modern Banking
In an industry that is constantly changing, it is only possible to gain a competitive advantage if you are able to adapt in an efficient and effective manner. Change management in modern banking is a challenge but also an opportunity to make positive changes for a whole organization. One of the changes is a sustainable approach as beneficial for both bank and society as a whole. Sign up for our webinar to learn more.
Event Registration will close 12pm 17th December (GMT+ 02:00)
Życzenia oraz praca w okresie świąteczno-noworocznym
English version below
Szanowni Państwo,
z okazji nadchodzących Świąt życzymy Państwu zdrowia oraz okazji do odpoczynku
Jednocześnie informujemy, że w okresie świąteczno-noworocznym pracujemy w ograniczonym wymiarze.
Do pełnej aktywności wracamy od czwartku 7.01.2021 r.
Do zobaczenia w Nowym Roku!
Zespół Biura Karier
Christmas wishes and work in the Christmas and The New Year's time
In the period from December 24, 2020, to January 6, 2021, we work on a limited basis.
Ladies and gentlemen, on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas, we wish you good health and the opportunity to rest
At the same time, we would like to inform you that we work on a limited basis during the Christmas and New Year period.
We are returning to full activity from Thursday, January 7, 2021.
See you in the New Year!
Career Office Team
Divisha Agarwal
What prompted you to choose the SWPS University and the field of study?
I was always interested in the field of psychology as the program has more of the practical approach in dealing with the human social behavior. This program will help me gain the knowledge of social psychology and how to deal with social issues through research findings and experimental methods. I find SWPS University as one of the top most private universities in the field of psychology.
How do you remember your studies at SWPS University?
I met students from across the world and highly educated professors. I tried to gain knowledge from their experiences which helped me in my holistic development.
What was your career path so far? / Please, describe your career path so far
From the second year of my studies, I was involved in projects related to psychology. I have learnt how to deal with my insecurities and personal conflicts which helped me in adjusting and working collectively as a team and making me more responsible and strong headed.
Is the job that you are currently doing relating to your field of study?
If you had the opportunity to advise something useful students interested in a similar career path, what would it be?
It is an intensive program requires absolute devotion, consistency, organization and above all a systematic approach but also to keep in mind that don’t stress out yourself therefore you should take out time for leisure activities too which will refresh your mind for completing your next task.
Vlad Lyak
What made you choose the SWPS University and the field of study?
I had the privilege of winning first place in an International Essay Competition organized by the SWPS International Affairs Office for Russian & Ukrainian-speaking schools. I was drawn to pursue studies in the field of International Relations & English Studies due to my curiosity to learn more about the world and master my English, the most widely spoken language worldwide.
How do you remember your studies at SWPS University?
The mention of the campus life always brings up good memories in me. The university has a very good infrastructure, employs a well-qualified teaching staff from both Poland and abroad, organizes various extra-curricular events and recognizes students for high academic performance.
While still pursuing my Master’s degree, I had a privilege to start off my career at SWPS International Affairs Department, where I was part of the team responsible for the recruitment of students from Asia region. As I graduated from SWPS, I moved to Budapest (Hungary) and joined General Electric (GE), an American multinational conglomerate, first as a Project Manager and then as a Process Excellence Specialist for one of GE’s power businesses. After having spent almost 4 years with GE, I decided to change the industry and joined BlackRock, an American investment management company, where I currently work as an Investment Product Development Associate.
Is the job that you are currently doing relating to your field of study?
I would say so. My three SWPS degrees (i.e. English Studies, International Relations and Business Psychology) have definitely prepared me for a smooth entry into the job market. English has been the key language of communication in all of my jobs, the knowledge of international relations has provided me with a good understanding of how the world functions, while my business psychology degree has given me a number of insights about how businesses around the globe operate and how important the role of an employee is for a company’s growth and success.
If you had the opportunity to advise something useful students interested in a similar career path, what would it be?
I’d advise any student to start their first work experience (this includes internships as well) as soon as they can, ideally while they still study. This will help them put their newly acquired theoretical knowledge swiftly into practice and give them a much higher chance to land a well-paid job right after graduation.
Accenture Training Labs: Time Management
How to keep a healthy balance between works/studies and personal life?
In numerous cases, it can be achieved simply by implementing smart task prioritization.
Our Happiness Manager, Ben Guillou, will guide you through effective strategies in Time Management:
You will learn how to:
- Prioritize your tasks in an efficient way
- Avoid procrastination Improve your focus
- Use tools to organize yourself
Register now to get access to the upcoming online workshop!
See you soon! ????
Career Readiness Workshops
We invite you to our four meeting program created for students and graduates of faculties conducted in English language.
Workshops program:
Job market exploration | Working options for English speaking students and graduates in Poland.
29.10.2021, 10:00-11:30 am
Check your potential and design your future | What are your talents? How to show your competencies?
5.11.2021, 10:00-11:30 am
Create an application | Tips for CV and cover letter and examples.
12.11.2021, 10:00-11:30 am
Let’s prepare to the interview | Analyzing questions and answers | Mock interview.
19.11.2021, 10:00-11:30 am
Trainer: Magdalena Fudała – career counselor | coach | psychologist
Fill in the registration form until the 25th of October. Registered students and graduates will receive a link to the meeting.
Skandynawski Tydzień Kariery 2021 / Scandinavian Career Week 2021
Polska wersja
⏰ Termin i miejsce spotkań: 22-26.11.2021 r., online.
Program wydarzenia, znajduje się na stronie Skandynawski Tydzień Kariery
✍Aby wziąć udział w wydarzeniu prosimy o wypełnienie formularza zgłoszeniowego
Skorzystaj z okazji, aby:
- poznać perspektywy pracy dla humanistów (i nie tylko),
- zweryfikować fakty/ mity na temat pracy w korporacji,
- poznać skuteczne metody dbania o dobrostan pracowników w warunkach pracy zdalnej,
- dowiedzieć się w jaki sposób planować karierę zagranicą za granicą, … a to i tak nie wszystko co dla Was zaplanowaliśmy! ;)
Skorzystaj z okazji do nawiązania relacji z rekruterami_kami, przedstawicielami_kami firm i organizacji.
Podczas tygodniowego wydarzenia czekają na Ciebie:
- warsztaty z pracodawcami i praktykami, absolwentami_kami filologii,
- możliwości nawiązania kontaktów z rekruterami_kami,
- newsletter z aktualnymi ofertami pracy, na które możesz od razu aplikować!
English version
⏰ Date and place of meetings: 22-26.11.2021 r., online.
The program can be found on our website: Scandinavian Career Week
✍To participate in the event, please complete the application form
During the event, you can:
- learn about job prospects for humanists (and beyond),
- verify facts/myths about working in a corporation,
- learn about effective methods of taking care of employees working in a remote working environment,
- learn how to plan a career abroad, …. and many more! ;)
Take advantage of this opportunity to establish relationships with recruits, representatives of companies and organisations.
During our one-week event, you can:
- attend workshops with employers and internships providers,
- join meetings with interns and graduates of different Philologues,
- establish contacts with recruits,
- get a newsletter with current job offers, which you can immediately apply for!
Przerwa świąteczna od 23.12.2021 do 07.01.2022
Świąt pachnących choinką i piernikami,
w ciepłym rodzinnym gronie,
a także wielu sukcesów w nadchodzącym roku
Zespół Biura Karier Uniwersytetu SWPS
Przerwa świąteczna od 23.12.2021 do 07.01.2022.
Do zobaczenia w nowym roku!
May your Christmas bring the fragrance of a Christmas tree and gingerbread.
May the time of the Holiday be filled with family and friendship warmth. Let this coming New Year be prosperous and happy for you!
The Office of Career Services Team SWPS University
Christmas break from December 23, 2021 to January 7, 2022.
See you in the New Year!
Summer jobs and internships in Greece
The meeting consists of the following parts:
1. Discover the summer trip program
2. Meet the Job Trust (our principals, partners and clients)
3. Terms and conditions of applying to the program (vacancies available in 2022, locations, contract conditions, application procedure)
4. Q&A
When: 02.03.2022, 17.00-18.30
Where: Online, ZOOM
The presentations will be conducted by:
Irina Aslanov: I am the manager of Job Trust for the last 15 years. I also run a coffee restaurant in Thessaloniki. Before Job Trust I had some experience as translator in a Romanian television and as secretary in UNESCO office from Bucharest.
In Greece I used to work as English Teacher, Receptionist in a 5* hotel, secretary in an Insurance Company. I have a bachelor Degree in English, American and Romanian literature and philology, Bucharest State University, and a Master Degree in Leisure and Tourism Management, Sheffield University.
I am fluent in English, Greek, Russian and Romanian and can also speak few more languages on a basic level. I live in Thessaloniki city from 2002 and have 2 kids (4 and 9 years old).
Registration: Please complete the Google Form.
People registered to the event will receive a reply message with their meeting access details.
We will also remind you about the upcoming meeting.
We invite you!
The Office of Career Services Team & Job Trust
Discover Bloomberg - News Paid Internship
(Eng version below)
Drodzy studenci/tki,
największa na świecie agencja prasowa, specjalizująca się w dostarczaniu informacji na temat rynków finansowych, “Bloomberg”, organizuje płatny staż dedykowany studentom ostatniego roku.
To wyjątkowa okazja na zdobycie cennego w karierze doświadczenia pod okiem najbardziej doświadczonych dziennikarzy i specjalistów.
Staż przewiduje 3- miesięczny program który startuje już pod koniec czerwca.
W celu uzyskania szczegółowych informacji zapraszamy serdecznie na spotkanie informacyjne które odbędzie się ON LINE w formie panelu, 6 grudnia o godzinie 17:00.
Dołącz do spotkania:
Aby móc dołączyć do spotkania wymagana jest wcześniejsza rejestracja.
Oferta kierowana jest do studentów ostatniego roku studiów licencjackich i magisterskich.
Istnieje możliwość odbycia stażu w jednej z czterech lokalizacji: Londyn, Frankfurt, Bruksela oraz Warszawa.
Na stażu wymagany jest komunikatywny język polski oraz język angielski na poziomie minimum B2/C1, a także zainteresowanie tematyką ekonomiczną oraz zorientowanie w obecnej sytuacji politycznej.
Do procesu rekrutacji potrzebne będzie CV w języku angielskim, list motywacyjny oraz trzy przykłady pracy dziennikarskiej (w dowolnym formacie - np. tekst, podcast, film etc).
Jeśli jesteś pewien/pewna, że chcesz aplikować, tu jest link:
Dear students,
the world's largest news agency specializing in providing information on financial markets, "Bloomberg", is organizing a paid internship dedicated to final year students.
This is a unique opportunity to gain valuable career experience under the guidance of the most experienced journalists and specialists.
The internship envisages a 3-month program which starts at the end of June.
For more information, we invite you to an informational on line meeting, which will be held in the form of a panel, December 6 at 17:00.
Pre-registration is required to join the meeting.
The offer is aimed at final year undergraduate and graduate students.
There is an opportunity for an internship in one of four locations: London, Frankfurt, Brussels and Warsaw.
Communicative Polish and English at a minimum B2/C1 level are required, and an interest in economic issues and an orientation to the current political situation.
The recruitment process will require a CV in English, a cover letter and three examples of journalistic work (in any format - e.g., text, podcast, video, etc.).
If tou know, that you are interested, here is the link:
Career Readiness Workshops
The Office of Career Services invites you to participate in Career Readiness Workshops. The workshop meetings are for everybody who wants to familiarize themselves with the Polish labor market and prepare for the recruitment process. Taking part in workshops is a great occasion to prepare for interviews with employers, meet other students and share your experience and dilemmas with others. The workshops will be conducted by Magdalena Fudała, career advisor from The Office of Career Services.
During upcoming edition you will have an occasion to meet representatives of Schneider Electric company and listen about internship and working options for English speaking students and graduates.
I. Job market exploration 15.03.2023 10:00 am – 11:45 am
Part one (10:00 am) - Working possibilities for English speaking students and graduates of psychology, management & leadership, philology and design in Poland, Magdalena Fudała – Career advisor
Part two (11:00 am) - Schneider Electric – Employer presentation:
- COMPANY STORY - Meet Schneider Electric
- SUCCESS STORIES - Introduction of the presenters and their history in Schneider Electric
- SE FOR YOUNG TALENTS - new benefit offer for interns, development opportunities, initiatives
- START YOUR STORY - offers for interns, examples of current open roles, recruitment tips & hints
- Online quiz and Q&A
Joanna Arent - Intern, Talent Acquisition Team
Paulina Dziedzic - Junior Talent Acquisition Partner, Talent Acquisition Team
II. Check your potential and design your future 29.03.2023 10:00 am – 11:30 am
What are your talents? How to show your skills? The result of the workshop is that you are prepared for presenting your skills to the employer.
III. Create an application 19.04.2023 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Tips for CV and cover letter and examples.
IV. Let’s prepare to the interview 10.05.2023 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Analyzing questions and answers & Mock interview
O CO PYTAĆ PRACODAWCĘ? Informacje przydatne na Targach Pracy i Praktyk || ASK EMPLOYER! Information useful during Jobs Fair
English version below
Szanowna osobo studiująca,
cieszymy się z Twojej obecności na targach! Poznaj wskazówki, które pomogą Ci w rozmowach z pracodawcami.
- Poznaj profile wystawców.
- Odwiedzaj interesujące Cię stoiska.
- Rozmawiaj z osobami na stoiskach.
Pytania ogólne:
- Chcę poznać Państwa organizację. Proszę mi opowiedzieć, czym się zajmujecie.
- Jakich osób poszukujecie do pracy?
- Na jakie stanowiska poszukujecie kandydatów_ek do pracy?
- Jakie umiejętności są kluczowe do tego, aby współpracować z Państwem?
- Jaki wymiar godzin pracy jest preferowany? (np. pełen etat: 40 h/tydzień, pół etatu: 20h/ tydzień)
- W jakim trybie Państwo pracujecie? (stacjonarny, hybrydowy, praca zdalna)
Pytania o praktyki/ staż:
- Czy u Państwa w firmie przyjmujecie osoby na praktyki?
- Studiuję … (nazwa kierunku studiów, rok studiów).
- Poszukuję miejsca do realizacji … (liczba godzin) godzin praktyk.
- Czy możliwe jest łączenie studiów na Uczelni (stacjonarnych) z pracą na praktykach?
- W jaki sposób mogę skontaktować się, aby dowiedzieć się, aby przesłać zgłoszenie na praktyki?
- W jaki sposób organizowane są praktyki? Ile godzin dziennie zazwyczaj pracują osoby na praktykach?
Pamiętaj! Każda organizacja jest tutaj, dlatego że bardzo chce Cię poznać! :)
English version
Dear Student,
We are looking forward to seeing you at the fair! Discover tips that will help you in your conversations with employers.
- Explore the exhibitors' profiles.
- Visit the stands that interest you.
- Talk to people at the stands.
General questions:
- I want to get to know your organisation.
- Please tell me some details about what you do.
- What kind of people are you seeking to employ?
- What positions are you looking for candidates to work on?
- What skills are essential to work with you?
- What working hours do you prefer? (e.g. full-time: 40 h/week, part-time: 20 h/week)
- In which mode do you work? (full-time, hybrid, remote working)
Traineeship/internship questions:
- Do you hire people for internships at your company?
- I am studying ... (field of studies, year of studies).
- I am looking for a place to do ... (number of hours) of internship hours.
- Is it possible to combine studies at the University (full-time) with an internship?
- How do I contact to find out in order to submit an application for an internship?
- How are the internships organised?
- How many hours a day do people usually work on internships?
Remember, the reason every organisation is here is because they really want to get to know you!!!