Hilal Mert

What made you choose the SWPS University and the field of study?
I wanted to pursue a bachelor's degree in Europe and during my research both intellectually and financially best fit that made me choose the SWPS University. I chose Psychology because I was interested in individuals behaviors, why and how they behave in a way they do, that sound so interesting to me because I was also considering the field which is wide enough to relate it to any other fields further, so the career choices or opportunities might evolve by the time and the knowledge about human psychology might be a big plus in the future for a career.
How do you remember your studies at SWPS University?
An international environment that is surrounded by mindful people, it was a huge learning process including lots of fun and deadlines :) Though in general, a positive class environment that motivated me to do more and better.
I wanted to pursue a masters degree in clinical psychology but because of finances I had to work and many places in Poland I applied was looking for Polish language knowledge too or a business-related experience which requires residence permit card that I wait for so long that made me back to my home country to rearrange a career path.
Is the job that you are currently doing relating to your field of study?
No, but for me with my current job I interview people and meet with more than 500 people in a day that is so exciting to see individuals characteristics
If you had the opportunity to advise something useful students interested in a similar career path, what would it be?
I would say that by the time passes, reconsidering realistically the current situation and future plans are so important, and if something goes wrong no matter how busy you are do not hesitate to solve it. Being a Non-European citizen is a bit more challenging especially if anyone has the intention to stay longer in a foreign country, so being open to learning the language of that country will be helpful to find a job there. These may sound cliche but so important that after you graduate it may take some time to find a job. Before or after the graduation, internship experiences might help, and If someone is introverted and uncomfortable with the crowd if s/he can; practice to overcome it and if there's an opportunity, do an interesting hobby, socialize and network, attend events which may be related to your interests. On the other hand, if the job is not related to your field it is also okay that means you are learning and working for a different field which may open a new pathway for your future perspective and plans.